Short Poem Funny Get Well Soon

Romantic get well soon poem for boyfriend

Get Well Soon Poems for Boyfriend: Apart from the bitter pills and medicines prescribed by the doctor, your hugs and kisses will go a long way in making your boyfriend feel better. Wish him a speedy recovery with cute love quotes that you have written yourself. Write them out on a greeting card and follow it up with a constant stream of mushy texts, tweets, Facebook posts and WhatsApp messages. Give him the inspiration to heal quicker so that he can get out of bed and take you back in his arms again. Your wishes will be the healing touch that he needs to rid himself of all the sickness and illness that has taken over his body.

1) Holding hands is in waiting

Hugs and kisses are pending

Going out on dates is on hold

Along with sweet nothings manifold

Taking cute selfies too is overdue

Everything is just waiting for you

Get well soon and come back to me

Love is waiting for us badly

Get well soon

2) As if devastated by a tornado

The happiness in my life has been eroded

As if swept away by swelling rapids

The smile on my face has been deleted

As if engulfed in a massive storm

The worries in my mind have been chaotic

As if poisoned by something noxious

Everyday life has become gloomy and toxic

As you can see, just about every little thing

Is nothing less than a colossal disaster

It will continue being this way

Until you get well and feel better

I love you

3) The brightest of colors

Look pale without you

The most clear of skies

Look a little less blue

The most vivid of flowers

Look withered and dreary

The most enchanting of sights

Look deserted and lonely

Your absence makes me hate

Every single view

Please get well soon baby

Like crazy, I'm miss you

4) I can't describe in words to tell you

How I am feeling right now

Since you are suffering in illness

I too am feeling uneasy and how

Day and night I continue to wish

For your speedy and healthy recovery

I hope you can get out of bed soon

So you can come and kiss me

5) Even though you are down

It is me who is grumpy

Even though you are weak

It is me whose knees feel wobbly

Even though you are in bed

It is me who is letting out sighs

Even though you are sick

It is me who is about to die

Even though you are feeling ill

It is me who is feeling fraught

Baby you are the one who isn't well

But I am wrecked, coz I love you a lot

Get well soon

6) You might think that you are the only one

Who is suffering in pain and agony

But I want to assure you

That I too am withering in misery

Every ache, every throb and every pain

That you feel, I sense too

So throughout your illness just remember

We are in this together, I love you

Get well soon

7) Nursing you back to health with kisses and hugs

Comforting you until you feel cozy and snug

Fussing over you until we get rid of your illness

I will do everything to keep you out of stress

Whether it takes one day or one week

I will be by your side until you stop feeling weak

So the doctor can prescribe medicines galore

But it is my love which will really help you soar

Get well soon

8) You have greetings on your desk

A bunch of roses by your bedside

And a few sweet text messages

That are bound to make you smile wide

But none of these have the power

To heal you like my loving touch

So get well soon handsome

I miss you very much

9) To my boyfriend…

I hate your sickness

I loathe it endlessly

Because it keeps

You away from me

Take your medicines

As soon as you recover

I will waste no time

In pulling you closer

Get well soon

10) Since you have a girlfriend

So pretty yet so angry, like me

Your sickness has no option

But to get scared and flee

As I am by your side

Nothing can cause you harm

I can heal all your pain

As my loving touch is like a balm

It's just a matter of a few days

That you'll be up and kicking

And it's just a matter of time

That you and I will be kissing

Get well soon

Cute get well soon poem to boyfriend from girlfriend

11) My heart is beating fanatically

My breathing is abnormally heavy

My head feels slightly dizzy

My voice is a little groggy

Even in the day I feel sleepy

Overall I feel tired and gloomy

All this will continue to harass me

Until you feel better and cheery

Get well soon

12) If there was a way that I could take over your illness

I would gladly do it without any hesitation

Because I don't care if I fall sick

But watching you suffer causes me endless frustration

I hope that the germs in your body are listening

I would welcome them with open arms

As long as you get back to your normal self

After all, I will love being healed by your naughty charms

Get well soon

13) I think it is time

For me to don my fighting gloves

To punch and kick away

Your illness with my love

I may be soft and pretty

But for you, I can be firm

I will keep fighting

Until I shoo away the germs

Get well soon

14) Snuggling, cuddling, kissing

Are the things that I've been missing

Loving, pampering, celebrating

Are the things about which I'm thinking

Nuzzling, pecking, caring

Is what I have been reminiscing

Get well soon, without you

I feel like I am withering

15) When we became girlfriend and boyfriend

It started a special bond, an unwritten agreement

Which ties us together in every possible way

Not just during fun times, but also in testing moments

Your illness is one of those times when we both

Come closer even though we are apart

You may be away from me in the hospital

But we are joined from deep down inside our hearts

Get well soon

16) With your germs I want

To do Kung fu

I want to beat your bacteria

Black and blue

With your illness I want

To do Taekwondo

I'll do anything for you

Is what I want you to know

I will learn every other form

Of exotic martial art

To beat your sickness

Which is keeping us apart

Get well soon

17) I wish I could be a band-aid

And heal you quickly

I wish I could be a tablet

And cure you instantly

I wish I could be your balm

To soothe your pain away

I wish I could be your comforter

Too relieve you in every way

I wish I had a magic wand

To makes your illness disappear

But since I can't do that

I will keep praying for you my dear

Get well soon

18) To my boyfriend…

I miss you during lunch break

I miss you from the time I am awake

I miss you after the day ends

I miss you even when I'm with my friends

I miss you whenever I see my silent phone

Since you've been bedridden, I've been so alone

Please bounce back as quick as possible

Without you, life is just not tolerable

Get well soon

19) Your sickness made me realize

How crazy I am for you

And how staying apart

Had made me so blue

I'm sorry it took an illness

To make me comprehend

That without you, even a minute

I don't want to spend

Get well soon

20) If you wanted to feel pampered

You should have just told me

There was no need to fall sick

And get hospitalized so quickly

If you wanted a lot of care

I would've spent all my time with you

Indulging you in every fancy

Making you do things you wanted to

I would have done everything

To make sure you don't ail

In ensuring your happiness

I would never fail

Get well soon

Sweet get well soon poem to him from her

21) I know that right now it seems

That you are lost in a dizzying maze

But don't worry baby

This illness is just a passing phase

I know that the pain is so intense

That it keeps you awake all night

But I want you to look forward

To the time when I will once again

Hug and kiss you with all my might

Get well soon

22) In my whole life

I have never, been so lonely

I have never felt

This feeling, so eerie

Until now I have

Never had, the experience

Of doing everything

Without you, even once

Now you can imagine

The effect, of your sickness

Is so big on me that it has

Taken away, all my happiness

Get well soon

23) For a guy who can do anything

A simple flu is no big deal

You will beat it in a few days

Is what I genuinely feel

Your incentive to get well

Is to get back to kissing me

So I suggest you pick up speed

In your path to recovery

Get well soon

24) I have been counting days

Since you've taken to bed

I can't help but to think

What could possibly lie ahead

I hope that it takes

Just a few days more

For you to feel better

And once again sore

For more than you, it is

Me who is now falling sick

Because without you, my life

Simply stops to tick

Get well soon

25) I hate your sickness

It is my arch enemy

Keeping me away from

The person I love mightily

With your sickness I wish

I could wage a battle

And decimate it completely

While all this may sound

A little over the top

You will be amazed at how

My kisses can make you pop

Get well soon


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